Friday, August 24, 2012


I speak a little Spanish. I studied it for a while in high school, and I have an appreciation for the aesthetic quality of the language. It can sound quite beautiful when not a harsh high-speed trill, but more carefully enunciated, like is spoken in Spain. I admit, my Spanish is not good enough to write this outright, so I used a translator to help me out a bit. As you read it, even if you don't speak the language, try and say the words out loud to yourself. Get a feel for them. It's not just about the meaning, the words themselves are important too.

This was inspired by a disjointed, adventurous dream I had. Only being able to remember bits and pieces can be helpful, sometimes.

For simplicity's sake:

Go ahead, it's not cheating, I promise.


covered in a thin layer of sweat
como la escarcha de la desvelo
down the tunnel, tight and dim
huye el mentiroso
bag laden with ill-gotten goods
con todo tesoro mio
hesistates, hearing me plead
"No me tires a las arañas"
kneeling, placed them on the ground
para reunir como diosecillos
The holy book tucked in my robes
las palabras sagradas
is in a language I cannot speak
una lengua ajena extraña
but I can still read it
con mis costillas
I traced his steps to the cliffside
pero se desapareció
cliffside is such a beautiful word
sin embargo, un final amargo
madman, I journeyed home
discutiendo con mi reflejo
there's a girl in the house
forbidden from leaving
herir apretado
so happy to see me
ella cae de su ropa
but it's all nonsense
las mentiras de la mente

There you have it, post number seventeen. (approach with trepidation)

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