Friday, October 19, 2012


(oh goodness, dear readers, it appears our host has been at the hooch. Take this as you will, we're only trying to help, really)

Gandhi famously said "Be the change you want to see in the world." Well, I have a T-shirt that says "Be the trouble you want to see in the world." I agree with that more than Gandhi. I want to trouble the world. I want the world to look at me and say "Here is a problem, one that requires our attention." Only then will change be affected.

The world only changes when they are scared of something. We (the USA, where I live) only went to the moon because we were afraid the communists would get there first. We only discovered the ability to generate power because we first decided to fuck up someone's day by splitting the atom. Lasers have recently taken a huge stride forward because they can be used to defend ourselves from intercontinental ballistic missiles. Now, for $300, I can buy a laser with the power to permanently blind someone and set things on fire. (imagine the possibilities!)

Comedian Louis CK (whom I adore) said in a stand up gig that "Boys fuck things up; Girls are fucked up." Well, maybe the world needs men (or boys who've grown into men) to fuck things up because conflict drives change. Just a few days ago, I was preaching love as a means to further the space program, and today I'm advocating conflict because it drives things forwards. To paraphrase agent Kay from Men In Black: "Imagine what [I'll be preaching] tomorrow."

This is why I'm not a world leader, and why people consider me disturbed at best, and stark-raving mad at worst. Like the Verve (in "Bittersweet Symphony", of course) said: "I'm a million different people from one day to the next." And for my last horrendous quote, Truman Burbank (from "The Truman Show"): "Good morning, [readers.] And, in case I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good evening, and Goodnight."

(I stopped him from quoting Fight Club, the poor dear. You should thank me)

There you have it, post number twenty-three. (approach with trepidation)

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