Friday, February 17, 2012


Yes yes, first ever post. This is the hard part. The dirtying of pages. Cracking the spine of that fresh new notebook and splashing a little ink on those first lines. In a way, this is very easy, just write down whatever comes to mind. In a way, this leads to the hardest part, which is continuing. Do you possess the fortitude to continue what you started here today (and of course, by you I mean me.)? Time will tell.

The purpose of this exercise is to have a place to showcase my writing. I have a DeviantART account ( and will continue, for now, to post my work there as well. The problem is, DeviantART isn't the best place on the web for words. Also, my own paranoia tells me there's something...insecure...about that place. Which is silly. Someone could just as easily swipe my words from my blog as from my DA page, especially since I'll be linking them. I just want something of my own, under my control. 

I will attempt to post no less than once per week, on Thursdays, most likely. If I have no new material I will go back and post old things from my DA page or journals or maybe I'll just post non-art things. Also, I plan on taking some older things and reworking them, and posting them here exclusively. That's right! Exclusive content!

Writing this is so strange, because I know no one will read this right now. It will only be accessed retroactively. I'm trying to picture myself in the future, looking back at this and wondering "what will I have wanted to say?"

I sat for days (not WHOLE ones) staring at the create a blog page, just watching the cursor as it blinked in the "Title" section. I just couldn't figure out what to call this damn thing.

But I digress! The first post must have art, mustn't it? (Yes, it must.)
Road to Recovery (Work in Progress)

I'm walking the road
Because it's finally been long enough
to forget why I started
in the first place.
I had such trouble
Inching one foot in front of the other,
but then someone made my bed
and washed my sheets and
it helped me much more than it should have.
and i'm sorry my room is such a mess and you had to see it like that 

and i'm sorry that i'm such a mess and you had to see me like that
I'm hoping soon I'll be in a place
Where I can watch a movie
without skipping the sad parts,

and I can have a drink or two
without any lasting side effects.

Well, not quite yet
but I'm walking the road.


Comment if you feel inclined, but since this is the Internet, I feel I have to tell you: I reserve the right to edit your assy comments. So don't be assy.

There you have it, Post number one. (approach with trepidation)


  1. Is that not how most adventures in art must start? First, serious consideration and nervous hesitation leading into the second step, expanding on the art. Finally you must make your art obtainable for others to criticize and of course revise. But bravo for not only progressing as an artist, but as an over all being.
    Now that's out of the way I want to get into the gritty details of what you expect from us, the subscribers? Should we post works of our own for discussion? I feel the need to ask as I am a long winded individual that does not want to taint your literary creations with posts of my own. Otherwise, congratulations on possessing the courage that most of us fellow creators unfortunately lack for the time being. I must say I might steal your idea here and start my own as well. And you must, under all circumstances, be a subscriber to mine!

    1. I hadn't really thought what I want out of subscribers. If you have something to say about what I've written, then comment! If you want to recommend something, comment! If you have a blog of your own and you want me to see it, comment! I can't see what's on the readers minds unless they comment, so by all means do so as often as you see fit. I moderate all comments, so like I said, don't be assy, or I'll just delete them.

      And I encourage you to start your own, and will definitely subscribe if you do.

      Of course all of this is a bit moot right now, since I have two subscribers and they're both you...

  2. Replies
    1. Like a song for a Drum and Bass based rap group perhaps?
